Petrolina is the first company in Cyprus registered in the State Registry of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Certified with a CSR Management System
29 May 2024

Petrolina is proud to announce its registration in the State Registry of Business/ Organizations of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as the first company to achieve this in Cyprus. This is the result of its certification by an accredited certification body, confirming that it has developed and implements a CSR Management System that complies with the provisions of the National Specification of Cyprus.

The certification falls within the framework of the "Corporate Sustainability Supporting Framework" project, which is funded by the Financial Mechanisms of the European Economic Area (EEA). This follows an announcement by the Authority for Cooperative Societies, as the competent  authority, among other things, for promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Cyprus, which also issued the National Specification.

"For Petrolina, the certification and registration as the first company in the State Registy of CSR is a confirmation of our longstanding support and social contribution to our country. Our ongoing commitment is to respond promptly and adapt our actions to the current needs of the Cypriot society and economy, contributing to a better and sustainable future," stated Georgia Lefkariti, Executive Director of Petrolina (Holdings) Public Ltd.